He's two weeks old today.Chestnut. White blaze, pink nose. RIGHT hind stocking this time, plus a socking on the front right. Yes, I said socking. It's barely fetlock high in front, but goes up his tendon all the way to the back of his knee. By Rotspon out of a CWB registered, CSH approved mare. Everyone's been razzing me for over a week about "my" foal. They're even starting to call him by the barn name I picked out (after I told them I couldn't possibly buy him if they gave him the wrong name - so much for that idea). Gods help me I asked what the number in front of the zeroes is last night.
Tell me I don't need another horse. Tell me his pink nose will burn, his socks are on the wrong side and too many, and I'll have to change my BB name...
Oh yeah. They didn't have a halter tiny enough (couldn't find it) so he's using the brat's foal halter... I'm feeling a little Titanic-like just now....
***Naturally all my online friends encouraged me to go for it, leaving me thinking even more...***
Enablers! You guys are a fat lot of help!
***Naturally all my online friends encouraged me to go for it, leaving me thinking even more...***
Enablers! You guys are a fat lot of help!
He doesn't have a name yet. I get to do the honours if ... um... when?
I have thought about it... Rory for a barn name (it means red king). Either Red King or Rotkonig (German for red king) for a registered name. He thinks he's king of all he surveys. When he's prancing around he'll stop and check to see if I'm still watching.
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