Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 6, 2011 - Rogue mounting block!

Rory is finally shedding enough to make the shedding blade useful!  He's still very fuzzy, but I managed to get a good bit of hair off today.  After tacking up we went out to the arena and did a quick run through of the longe commands.  The first halt was slow and I needed the wall to help.  I decided to set up some trot poles for Rory, and he followed me back and forth trying to nose the poles as I carried them.  Rory looked really good going over the poles and I realized he was going directly towards the camera so it wasn't getting a good angle on the pole work.

Rory walked with me to get the camera, and followed as I moved the mounting block into the corner by the door and set the camera up on it.  We went back out and started with a couple of circles again.  Rory started eyeing the door end of the arena suspiciously, and was cutting in on that part of his circle.  It took me a few minutes to realize that he was concerned about the mounting block and not the noises from outside. 
Getting closer to the rogue mounting block
I moved the circle down towards that end of the arena and managed to get Rory to walk right up to the block without having to lead him there.  At one point he did try to rear three times instead of going forward, but he didn't get very high off the ground with the side reins restricting his head.  One of the neat things about spooky horses is their self carriage as they approach the scary object and I got a glimpse of what Rory will look like when he develops his strength and balance.

Cautiously approaching for a closer look.
Rory nosed the camera and mounting block and decided it was okay.  We got back to work and did get some nice work over the trot poles, and good transitions.  I discovered that if I step out "in front" of him when he comes to a halt he is less likely to swing his hindquarters out, and if he does he doesn't swing as far.

To finish up the session I snapped his lead rope to the right side of his bit and did some steering practice.  Rory is getting the idea on the right rein and dropped his nose a little with a nice relaxed bend when I put a little pressure on the bit.  He is coming along really well, and the little bumps and surprises produce some useful training opportunities.  I'm hoping to get him out three times a week in the next month, leading up to the day I mount up for the first time.

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