Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 11, 2011 The Rory Chronicles join YouTube!

I've been setting up my camera to shoot video of almost all of Rory's lessons lately and I decided it was time to add some short videos to The Rory Chronicles blog.  Most of the video is pretty boring, and repetitive, but I'd like To show Rory in action.

The first video is practicing a figure eight over a cavaletti. This teaches Rory to take direction from me without having me walk with him.

April 14, 2011 Rory longeing in the outdoor ring for the second time.

April 18, 2011 In this video I'm preparing Rory for the first time I get on his back. I want him to accept weight in one stirrup, and stand still. First I'm pulling on the saddle, then just on the stirrup leather, and then I put my knee in the stirrup and bounce up and down beside him while putting a little weight in the stirrup. I use my knee so I can stay close to the ground when he starts to move (which he did before this snippet of video). He gets carrot chunks when he gets it right. This was the first day I'd put weight on him.

May 1, 2011 Mounting up - Day one.  In the video are the first and fourth times I got on Rory's back. The first time is just a get on, take foot out of stirrup and jump off process. By the fourth time I can sit there for a bit and start to move my weight around. Rory was very good and quite relaxed about the whole deal.

May 6, 2011 Mounting up - Day two.  I asked Rory to walk with me on him today. Before we got to that point I did the same lying over the saddle, getting on and off that I did last time. Rory easily walked forward when I wiggled my legs against his sides. He was a little uncertain about my weight shifting when I asked him to stop, and the whoa suffered a bit, but he stayed quiet.

More video clips will be in future blog entries as they come up!

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