Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1, 2011 - A good ride.

We started in the arena today.  I wanted to go outside, but there was another boarder riding in the sand ring.  Rory longed well.  He didn't pull as hard towards the open back door and managed a bit of canter on each rein.  He was full of energy and very forward today.  There was one head down bouncing fit for a full circle before I sharply told him to "Get up!" and off he went.  A few times he got a little distracted - he could see the horse in the sand ring outside, a chainsaw was in use outside, horses walked by the big doors three times.

When it came time to ride Rory walked off the first time I jumped onto the mounting block.  The next time he stood still then walked again when I put my foot in the stirrup.  I did a bit of on and off exercises just to remind him about standing still, then led him away from the block and back to it.  Second time up he walked off but halted easily.  I hopped off and backed him up and remounted. 

He was quite relaxed as we walked away from the block today.  Near the back door he got a little sticky, but we were able to go quite close without a big problem.  The chainsaw didn't really bother him after he'd thought about it for a moment.  He trotted easily when I asked, and tried a little harder to go out the back door as we went by, but I was ready for him.  The first couple of times past the back door he did break to the walk, but then I managed to keep him trotting.  On the right rein Rory trotted easily around the arena.

He was being very good, so I dismounted and picked up the little mounting block and took Rory out to the sand ring.  I did a quick mount/dismount reminder to stand still before mounting up and asking him to walk on.  Rory was happy to be outside and looked around as we walked around the ring.  A couple of times he was too intent on what he was looking at and ignoring my steering aids.  Once we trotted the steering got worse.  Rory was going places and I halted him a couple of times right before he got to the fence.  Although he pushed the trot forward he didn't hump his back or put his head down and shake it.  After a few minutes I tried to separate the turning and forward aids by closing my hand as I rose, and using my leg when I sat.  It wasn't immediately successful, but Rory very quickly started to respond and we managed a very rough figure eight to finish our ride.  He got lots of pats and praise.

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