Friday, August 26, 2011

July 26, 2011 - Here comes trouble!

Today I felt like the real work was beginning.  Rory's circles were round and he maintained a nice regular trot through the figures.  His canter transitions were easier as he's understanding what I want.  Everything was going really well and I was enjoying the ride when Trouble dropped in to add a little excitement.

Here comes Trouble!
  During our first canter we were cantering along the fence at the same time as Totyo was cantering towards us on the other side.  When they met Rory turned away from the fence, put his head down and bounce bucked - not to dump me, but to express himself in play with Totyo.  Bounced a few times as I brought him to a halt and then I explained to him that he was playing with me and he needed to ignore Totyo right now.  He could play with Totyo all he wanted later.

...and closing fast on the outside is Totyo!

 Rory wasn't entirely convinced and we did some transitions and figures to remind him.  As usual it didn't take long for Rory to settle back to his cooperative self and we finished the ride.  Near the end of the ride we were trotting along the fence and Totyo came cantering up from behind on the other side.  Rory flicked his ear back to track Totyo's progress, but calmly continued trotting along even as Totyo cantered past.  I was really pleased!

The farrier came later in the afternoon and Totyo and their buddy were on the list.  I brought them both in so they'd be ready, leaving Rory all by himself.  He whinnied and paced around the gate area a little bit, but wasn't too upset.  I wanted to take some pics while waiting for farrier to arrive and went into the neighbouring paddock.  Rory kept coming over to where I was standing by the fence and getting too close for pictures.  I hid in the shelter that is shared by the two paddocks - he went round to his side, and I ducked out before he got around, and he came back to see where I'd gone.  He wasn't worrying about the other two while I was near him which should make it easier when we go away to shows.
What'cha doing over there?

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