Monday, October 17, 2011

September 16, 2011 - Transport troubles!

A couple of weeks ago I found a trailer for rent, small, older but beautifully reconditioned and arranged to rent it for the weekend. I was supposed to pick it up tonight, but couldn't get hold of anyone at any of the three numbers I was given. So my barn owner called a friend and begged for the loan of her trailer, and the friend said "I'll just make sure the SO is okay with it and call you back." We sit in the truck in the middle of hicktown waiting for someone to call back. Finally the rental owner called me back and said go ahead, so-and-so is there you can just leave your contact info and pay him and take it away. I didn't want to flake off on this woman just in case I needed to rent the trailer in the future so my barn owner called her friend and left a message "we got it, thanks but we don't need yours." We arrived at the shop to find the trailer hooked up to another truck for stability while the shop guy is messing around with it.  First clue.

He unhooked his truck, we hooked up and discovered the plug wire was too short. He added extra wire, clamped it all, set the plug, etc and plugged into the truck. I went to check the lights. Right side tail/brake light wasn't on. No running lights either. To make a long story short (and sanitized) we were there for an hour while he and another guy messed around trying to figure out what was wrong and fix it. Eventually he asked if I was leaving tonight and suggested I pick it up in the am.
Are we done yet?

We got unhooked, got back in the truck, looked at each other and said "lets's call your friend again!" We both felt that if you are renting a trailer and know about it for a couple of weeks it shouldn't be getting rewired the afternoon the client is picking it up. I know we'll be making the last leg home (if not more) in the dark so I darn well want running lights! The friend agreed to let us take her trailer (blessings upon her head) so we're good to go!! But I really didn't need this aggravation today!

Rory had his feet trimmed, and socks washed and clipped today. It was too cold for a full bath so we'll be doing that at RCRA tomorrow night. I tried my older horse's red sheet on Rory and it fits pretty well. It must have shrunk a fair bit as it's tagged 76 and I measured him as 72 last week. No wonder it's small on my other 78" horse!

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