Friday, September 14, 2012

October 28, 2011 - Back to work at last

Today I longed Rory in full gear in the arena.  Rory seemed happy to get out and he bounced and half bucked a bit before settling down.  I let him trot several circles before asking him to do any transitions, then got him to do transitions within the trot and to walk.  He went to canter easily once and kept it going most of the way around the circle.  After I changed direction he had a few bounces and a couple of attempts to change direction, before he settled and went very well.  I set up two planks and a cavaletti and longed over that.  At first he had trouble with it and his solution was to canter, then I brought him closer to my end where they were closer together and he got his feet organized, then was okay further out with a longer step.  He did remember how it worked when we changed direction to the right rein.

I found a new halter for Rory in TSC last week.  When I saw it I thought the colour would look fantastic on him.  I didn't realize it matched his blanket!

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