Sunday, May 19, 2013

March 31, 2012 - Helping with paddock renovations

Rory's paddock was split in two today.  A new fence was put up down the middle.  Rory, Totyo and their older buddy kept a close eye on things until they got bored.  They had to check out the contents of the pickup truck at one point.  Rory found a bag of insulators (for electric fence) and picked it up.  The noise spooked them all, but Rory didn't actually drop the bag until after he'd spun towards the other two horses and rattled it in their direction.
Totyo, buddy and Rory inspecting the truck contents

Rory inspecting one of the new fence posts

The three of them won't be in the reduced paddock for very long.  The barn owner is going to put in another fence to make a new paddock for Rory's bunch.
 I rode Rory again this evening.  Not for long, a little under 15 minutes.  We were in the sand ring again and he was very good.  I was quite pleased with how he relaxed and started to lift his back a little bit.

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