This afternoon was Rory's lesson. I had put Rory and Totyo in the temporary (electric tape and step in posts) grass paddock while I rode brat and afterwards put brat out and went to take the boys back to their field. Totyo came first today so I put the halter on and led him out of the field. Rory came to the "gate" (one of those spring handles used on electric tape) and stood back while I took Totyo out. Halfway up the alley to their paddock gate I heard him whinny ("you took my buddy away!") and start his cantering up and down the fence. I got Totyo into the paddock and was turning him around so I could close the gate when the sound of Rory's canter changed. I looked up in alarm and saw Rory cantering up the alleyway towards us, so I held the gate open for him. He came right in, dropped to a walk and wheeled round neatly into place by my right shoulder beside Totyo as calmly as if this were everyday normal procedure, and politely asked for his carrot. I was a mix of shock and panic, but laughter won out! Anyway it didn't affect our ride later, but had me giggling any time I thought of it. My friend said he was a born jumper and reminded me that he'd jumped over his mum before she got up after he was born.
Rory's very first lesson went quite well. It was very windy, and there was a thunderstorm booming a little to the south of us fortunately getting blown further south. Rory wasn't at all concerned about it and was quite willing to go forward during the pre ride 2 minute longe. We worked a little harder than usual and he was very good. We didn't do anything exciting, and did canter for much longer than normal - poor Rory was wondering when he was going to be allowed to stop! He gave me some very nice steps here and there, and I got some clarity from Per on what things to focus on as most important (supple bends being more important than perfect sized/shaped circles for one). I know what to do with him, but he's a bit different than the brat was in some ways. It helped that I figured out that he needed the padding under the saddle adjusted and got that worked out on Wednesday. Now we can get to work "like a real sporthorse."
Rory was tired after his lesson. |
One more session with brat tomorrow morning.
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