Friday, October 22, 2010

August 26, 2009 – You and what army

Rory was a little stinker yesterday. We had a... um... "discussion" about holding one forefoot up for me to rasp. He was fine for picking up (at first) but I wasn't allowed to hold it for very long - not even long enough to pick out. I eventually grabbed another lead rope and tied it round his pastern (with a blocker knot so the loop couldn't tighten) and just held it up. And put it down... and held it up while he hopped and wiggled and... remember he's getting big now... tried to body check me... and I got the foot trimmed! HA!! Stinker. He hopped a little bit on the other front foot, but I didn't have to resort to the rope again. He was quite good about his hind feet (I started with them).

This morning he was pretty good about the terribly dangerous giant pile of dirt and rocks outside his barn door that almost got TOY's sister. I persuaded Rory and Toy to go up to it and check it out. Rory was brave enough to actually touch one of the rocks that had tumbled to the edge of the pile! I grant that the pile was at least as tall as me and as long as an extended cab pickup truck, but it was there last night when they went into the barn (though maybe it was dark and they couldn't see it! Surely we can pretend to believe that).

This afternoon I went to get his big sister and Rory came over first. Followed me to her. Pushed in for more carrot. Followed us back to the gate. And met us when we returned. All sweetness and cute.  At least he doesn't hold a grudge.

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