Sunday, October 3, 2010

January 5, 2009 – Arena play

I confess I didn't get him anything for Christmas. I did scrounge around and find a conway buckle last week to put on his halter so no one can do it up too tight. Does that count?

The local weather has sucked so far this winter. With a thaw and some freezing rain the ground is an unpleasant mix of frozen bumpy mud and ice patches. So the weanlings haven't been doing any tearing around. Friday I took the boys into the empty arena and let them go. They didn't have a clue what to do, and huddled together looking lost. They'd thought they were going in for dinner. Rory pooped about five times - every time I put the pitchfork down.

With a little encouragement they went off and had a gallop around. Rory prefered to trot - I could watch that Rotspon trot all day. TOF can be a little free with his feet at times, and swung his bum at Rory often but didn't actually kick. After about half an hour I took them in for dinner.

Saturday I sneaked them out for half an hour again. This time Rory led the charge around the arena. They needed less encouragement to keep going, and were more curious about the stuff in the corners. Rory pooped a bunch of times again (at least I know his guts are moving) and they followed me around as I scooped up the little piles.

Sunday they got to go for another half an hour, and needed a lot more encouragement to run. There was some snow sliding off the roof and they stood looking up at it trying to figure out what was going on. They didn't really spook at it though. It was soft snow and made hardly any noise, it was the moving shadow that caught the weanlings' attention. They aren't at all concerned about me chasing them around and happily come over to me when I stop, and they finish their run.

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