Sunday, October 3, 2010

February 17 & 20, 2009 - More arena running

February 17, 2009

I took the weanlings out to the arena for some play time on Sunday morning before they went out for the day. The pair of them took off and didn't stop for ten minutes. Rory came to see me and I asked if he was ready to go out, snapped on the lead and then reached for TOW. TOW just evaded my hand and turned and headed back out across the arena again, so I unclipped Rory and sent him after TOW.  They ran around for another 5-10 minutes before they came back ready to go outside. So cute!

February 20, 2009

I took the weanlies out to the arena again last night. The other weanling tried to take off the moment we got through the door and we ended up halfway down the arena before I got them stopped and sorted out. I didn't dare let go of their ropes because the door was still wide open and I didn't think I could get back to it before they did. Once I got the door shut and unsnapped the ropes, they took off and galloped round and round and round.

They nipped at each other, threatened to kick, ducked and dodged and bounced for a good ten minutes. Then they walked for a bit and checked some stuff out before taking off again. I had them out for half an hour and they ran, played halter tag, wrestled a bit and ran some more. At one point Rory was thinking about having a roll, but TOW trotted over and they started playing again.

Rory got himself sweaty and was showing no signs of stopping so I eventually had to snap on his leadrope and walk him around for a bit to cool out. TOW followed and tried to play a couple of times, but backed off when I warned him off.

I got a bit cold, but they're fun to watch.

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