Saturday, October 9, 2010

March 28, 2009 – Remedial work

So on that idea I took Rory out for a little work in the arena this morning. We happened to head out at the same time as someone with a clyde. The clyde was being longed so we stayed at the other end of the arena. The end with the big door. That was open.

No he didn't escape, or even try, he just found it very distracting and kept watching out the door every time we got anywhere near it - which was most of the time given that's the end we had to play with.

He was very very good. Moved in the direction I asked when I asked. Trotted when I asked. Walked when I asked. Backed up, turned around, moved his bum, walked over cavalettis and mini verticals, went and had a close look at the scary flowers and back pack and jumps and of course the door. Followed me, stopped, stood still while I scooped up his poop piles, walked nicely with me as I went and deposited the load in the wheelbarrow.

Ah yes. THAT is why I graduated to outdoor walks.

Then we went out, back through the barn and up to the scary blankets draped outside. Decided those were okay, and then tried to bolt for the paddock.  Turd. I stopped him, backed him up, stood for a minute then started walking and he tried again. Stop, back up, stand, walk this way. Then we went back to the field, nicely, politely, at a walk.


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