Friday, October 22, 2010

July 21, 2009 – A month of progress

TOY seemed a little too interested in the flymask -
I wasn't convinced Rory would be allowed to keep it!

It's been a while since I posted an update.

Rory is now officially a yearling!

I've had him out for various handling sessions, showing off, trotting in hand (last time he was very good until he got bored and decided trotting was too tame and tried to canter!) grooming, hoof work, etc. He is looking very good just now (must post some pictures) and is largely behaving.

I put my arm over Rory's back the other morning when taking him and TOY out to their field, and he scooted forward a little bit when I leaned on him (as we were walking). Then he realized it was just me being silly and settled. He completely ignores me when I do it now.

I was out taking pictures on the weekend and he and TOY got into a tussle. Rory bounced towards TOY, reared and his hind feet slipped forward and he fell right over, landing on his right side. He was up in moments and cantering away. I watched to see if he was lame but he trotted out sound and was back playing with TOY shortly afterwards. I actually managed to get two pictures as he slipped (I was expecting the rear).

Rory's baby sister was born a couple of weeks ago (half sister - different sire). She is adorable and tiny when compared to the other foal on the farm (now three months old).

Oh yes - the fly mask. Brat's flymask fit perfectly and TOY even let Rory wear it... for a week. So no flymask for him for now.

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