Sunday, October 3, 2010

December 4, 2008 - Settling into the new routine

The other weanling, Rory and the foal-less mare

Rory has the standing stall business figured out now. He doesn't try to turn around any more. He's also discovered that he doesn't have to eat all of his dinner at once. He nibbles on grain, then hay, then back to the grain. It's cute.  He's getting a mix of developer and a touch of sweetfeed, but Rory doesn't seem too keen on the sweetfeed and picked out the developer first. I'm changing him over to developer alone.

I wormed them both the other night. They're really good. We have the bottle of liquid wormer so we can just use a syringe and give them what they need without messing with tube wormers. I didn't have a big enough syringe (ok I did, but it had a sharp edged tip so I didn't use it) so I had to go back for more. I'd just give a little bit at a time and they rolled it around and swallowed before I gave a bit more. Neither tried to spit it out though they weren't keen on having the syringe back in their mouths.  Good little weanlings!

They have two mares with them now. The foaless mare that was out with them and their moms as well as the pregnant mare. The foaless mare really seems to like the foals. Good thing since the preggie mare was too cool to even look at the little ones.

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