Sunday, October 3, 2010

February 2, 2009 - A lesson in walking

Rory and I went for a little walk yesterday. TOW wanted to come too and banged the gate as we left, then whinnied and ran up and down along the fence when we didn't come back.

Rory was very good. He started off walking with me, then when we got a bit further he stopped. I asked him to come along and he passaged 3-4 trot steps, then stopped before passing me. He did that all the way down the hill. Very pretty!

Once we got into the knee deep snow he had to bounce more to get through it and did run past me several times. I let him run in a circle around me, then brought him back into postion and proceeded for the next few steps until he got past me again. After three circles he decided running in the deep snow was too much work and tried lurching into me instead. That didn't work either because every time he did it I stopped him, and made him back up in the deep snow. After that he was very good.

On our way back up the hill, I shouted at my BO and stopped to talk for a minute that turned into several minutes. Rory got bored as we were close enough to hear TOW and see him running again. Rory tried to leave several times. Considering his age and all he was good, responding to each correction, even if he couldn't stand still for very long. Going back to the paddock from there was a three steps forward, two back sort of process as he kept trying to barge past me. I'm not worried at all about that because he's just a baby and responds well to my corrections. It's all a learning experience for him and he IS learning.

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